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The Gold Standard for Accurate and Fast Body Fat Testing
The BOD POD Gold Standard Body Composition Tracking System is the world’s only air displacement plethysmograph which uses whole-body densitometry to determine body composition (fat and fat-free mass) in adults and children.
A full test can be completed in a few minutes, and provides highly accurate, safe, comfortable, and fast test results. The accuracy of the BOD POD has been shown to be very high against reference techniques in a number of research publications. It is also completely non-invasive, making it especially suitable for frequent, longitudinal tracking of body composition and metabolic changes over time.
► Gold Standard accuracy using whole-body densitometric principles
► Excellent test-to-test repeatability
► Fat and Fat-Free Measurements
► Fast test time (2 minutes inside BOD POD and about 5 minutes total test time)
► Safe, non-invasive, and ideally suited for frequent testing
The BOD POD’s air displacement plethysmography eliminates the invasiveness of Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) as well as the difficulties associated with underwater submersion in hydrostatic weighing.
This makes it especially suitable for frequent, longitudinal tracking of body composition changes over time.
The BOD POD is used in a wide variety of segments:
► Academic and Medical Research
► Clinical Examination
► Elite Athletic Training
► Military and Public Safety
► Fitness Training and Nutrition
► Bariatric Clinics
► University Fitness
The BOD POD uses the principles of whole-body densitometry to determine body composition. This technique relies on a mass measurement from a highly accurate scale (provided) and a volume measurement from the BOD POD chamber.
Once body density is determined (Density= Mass/Volume), the BOD POD measures or predicts Thoracic Gas Volume (TGV) and then uses known (or user-customized) densitometric equations to calculate percent Fat and Fat-Free Mass.
The accuracy of the BOD POD has been shown to be very high against reference techniques in a number of research publications.
Simple and easy for both subject and operator, it accommodates a wide range of subjects up to a maximum weight of 250kg.
The BOD POD Body Fat Percentage Chart
Classification | Women | Men |
Low Body Fat Risk | Under 15% | Under 5% |
Ultra Lean | 15-18% | 5-8% |
Lean | 18-22% | 8-12% |
Moderately Lean | 22-30% | 12-20% |
Excess Fat | 30-40% | 20-30% |
High Body Fat Risk | Above 40% | Above 30% |
Schedule your visit via Fitnescity: 30 min.
Recommended attire for the test: tight-fitting clothing or bathing suit. Swim cap (you will stay dry).
Test protocol: Two-hour fast prior to the test. No coffee of alcohol four hours before.
Receive YOUR Results
Receive your body fat measurement from the world's fastest, safest and most accurate body composition assessment within one business day.
(test results, interpretation, anthropometric data.)
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Reviews: 292
Fitnescity Reviews
I Got My Body Fat Percentage Tested, and These Are the 3 Interesting Things I Learned - POPSUGAR
I Got My Metabolism Tested, and Here's What I Learned About How My Body Burns Fat - POPSUGAR
I Tried It: Body Composition Testing - Sunday Edit
COSMED - Published Research (Partial Listing):
Air-Displacement Plethysmography Pediatric Option in 2–6 Years Old Using the Four-Compartment Model as a Criterion Method [DA Fields, et al. Obesity, 2012 Aug;20(8):1732-7]
Body composition by the four-compartment model: Validity of the BOD POD for assessing body fat in Mexican elderly [H Alemán-Mateo, et al. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Jul; 61(7):830-836, 2007. Epub 2007 Jan 17]
Interdevice variability in percent fat estimates using the BOD POD [SD Ball. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Sep;59(9):996-1001,2005]
Air-displacement plethysmography: Here to stay [DA Fields, et al. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 8(6):624-629, 2005]
Air-displacement plethysmography validation in overweight and obese subjects [SR Ginde, et al. Obesity Research, 13(7):1232-1237, 2005]
Clinical evaluation of body fat percentage in 11,833 Japanese measured by air displacement plethysmograph [N Miyatake, et al., Internal Medicine, 44(7):702-705, 2005]
A comparison of hydrostatic weighing and air displacement plethysmography in adults with spinal cord injury [JL Clasey, DR Gater Jr. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Nov;86(11):2106-2113, 2005]
Evaluation of air displacement for assessing body composition of collegiate wrestlers [AC Utter. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 35(3)500-505, 2003]
Comparison of body composition methods in overweight and obese children [PJ Gateley, et al. Journal of Applied Physiology, 95:2036-2046, 2003]
Body composition techniques and the four compartment model in children [DA Fields, MI Goran. Journal of Applied Physiology, Aug;89(2):613-620, 2000]
Evaluation of a new air displacement plethysmograph for measuring human body composition [MA McCrory, TD Gomez, EM Bernauer, PA Molé. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Dec;27(12):1686-1691, 1995]
A new air displacement method for the determination of human body composition [P Dempster, S Aitkens. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Dec;27(12):1692-1697, 1995]
Source: COSMED
Fitnescity does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or a qualified medical professional if you have any questions about your results.