Wellness Lab Testing - Know your Numbers. Own Your Health.

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Fitnescity x Caliber

“I’ve gotten my results. What do I do now?”

Well, the good news is, you’ve already taken the first, and often hardest step, by getting a scan and investing in yourself. You are now armed with some of the most powerful information about your body and it’s time to put those numbers - that science - to work.

Since the pandemic, we have found that we need more flexibility in how we access our gym, trainer and nutritionist, but we still find ourselves wanting the 1-1 experience to get the most out of our wellness plan. In Caliber, we have found both.

Fitnescity has partnered with Caliber to provide our community with one option for taking that next step in your wellness journey. Caliber is a science based one-on-one training platform. Alongside their coaches and individualized fitness and nutrition plans, Fitnescity lab tests will offer Caliber coaches and members a way to stay accountable and to truly measure progress over time.

Caliber co-founder Jared Cluff shared some background into the the origins of the company and his thoughts on why a partnership with Fitnescity just made sense.

Why Caliber? What was the inspiration behind the platform?

As long-time gym goers, my co-founders and I have learned firsthand the benefits of staying active over the years.  Through ups and downs, career changes and relocations, periods of stress and (relative) calm, staying active has been a constant, stabilizing force for the three of us.

We’re not unique in this regard.  Many people have come to appreciate just how beneficial fitness is to not only their physical well-being, but also their mental well-being, their energy levels, their motivation, their sense of purpose.

That said, despite the proliferation of so many fitness options out there -- gyms, group classes, at-home devices, workout apps -- the vast majority of people still aren’t succeeding at incorporating fitness into their lives, despite their best intentions.  This widespread issue really comes down to two things:

  1. Most people don’t have a plan that will actually work for them.  Maybe they’re following the latest fitness fad rather than a plan that’s actually based on science.  Maybe they’re working out like crazy but totally ignoring their nutrition.  There are a ton of reasons, but ultimately, most people aren’t following a plan that’s personalized to their unique needs, and optimized for actually delivering results.

  2. Most people are missing the critical ingredient of an accountability partner.  Look, it’s really hard to adopt a new fitness routine!  And it’s even harder to stick with a new routine over time.  But it’s not a question of willpower, this is a pervasive human phenomenon that’s been proven through research.  People need other people -- real human beings -- to help them create lasting behavioral change.

That’s where Caliber comes in.  We’re on a mission to bring the benefits of fitness to people worldwide through personalized, science-based fitness coaching that genuinely delivers results.  

We’re not about fads or expensive gizmos that overpromise and underdeliver, we’re squarely focused on delivering world-class fitness coaching to anyone who is looking to make a change in their lives, because we’ve seen that coaching is hands-down the best way to achieve results for good.

We bring together a personalized plan that spans fitness, nutrition and healthy habits, plus attentive, expert coaching from only the best trainers in the business and then wrap it in a super fun and engaging app that makes working out something you look forward to, not something you dread.

Tell us a bit about your company - where do the founders come from - and who are your trainers? How do you find them? Do they find you?

Caliber was started by my business partners Chris Muir and Justin Fauci (yes, he’s related to THAT Fauci), who have been friends since they met in college and have been training and collaborating together for nearly as long.  Both Justin and Chris are certified coaches themselves, have extensive knowledge across fitness, nutrition and habit formation, have jointly authored over 200 fitness articles and coached hundreds of clients.  Before Caliber, I was the Chief Marketing Officer at Blue Apron, where I saw the positive impact that home cooking and healthy eating can have on millions of people’s lives.  We’re inspired to impact people’s lives similarly at Caliber, turning people on to the benefits of fitness via an approach that really works, and that anyone can pursue.

Our coaches come from all walks of life and can be found both in the US and abroad, but all share a deep expertise in coaching and are at the top of their field.  Our coaches typically find us, as we’ve become quite well known within the coaching industry, and we hire only the best of the best and train them on our unique approach, the Caliber Method.  Our coaches are truly our secret ingredient, ensuring our members achieve the results they’re looking for, through a deep and personal commitment to our members’ success, day in and day out.

Why partner with Fitnescity?

As you’ve gathered by now, we’re all about helping our members achieve lasting change in their lives.  And as the expression goes, you can’t change what you can’t measure.

By partnering with Fitnescity, we’re able to provide our members  with access to the most advanced and comprehensive wellness testing available outside of a clinical setting.  Paired with our coaching program, Fitnescity’s testing services allow us to deliver an even more bespoke experience for our members, unlocking powerful insights to help our members better understand their fitness, as well as measure the positive impact that Caliber coaching can have on their bodies.

Fitnescity shares our goal of leveraging personalized data and insights to help people adopt lifestyle changes that can profoundly benefit their lives.  It’s a really natural fit.

What can someone who joins Caliber expect to experience? How are you different from other fitness trainers and apps?

For this one, I defer to one of our members who left this review on our Trustpilot page and hits the key points better than we ever could.

“The magic of Caliber is the fact that you have a personal trainer (a real person) who you speak with about your goals, what fitness facilities you have access to, etc. They design a plan for you, then check in with you/keep you accountable to your progress. This is the key thing and the real magic. Everything (workout plans, instructional videos for each exercise, tracking, etc and even communication with the trainer) ALL happens within the very helpful app. I’ve stopped and started LOTS of programs because it was just me. But, the fact that I’ve had Wes to guide me with issues (ask about various questions related to fitness like supplements, strength vs. cardio, etc.) all the things that you have questions about. I’m a 52 yo male. I’m 6’1” and started at 208 lbs. It’s been 6 weeks and I’ve lost 13 pounds. It’s great to see the scale back down in the one hundreds and it’s great to see the abs in the mirror. It’s been years on both of those. Can’t recommend enough.”

We know that there is no one “right” wellness plan for everyone, but if you’re looking for next steps or are interested in learning more about Caliber visit their website for a free consultation. Members of the Fitnescity community can access an exclusive rate for their first 3 months of membership.