
I Didn't Follow the Test Protocol

I Didn't Follow the Test Protocol

If you didn't follow the test protocol, unfortunately the results won't be as accurate as possible.

If you have not yet tested, you can request to move the appointment to a later date. Please note that this could incur a fee if it is done within the 24 hour appointment window.

If you already completed your test and have realized that you did not follow test protocol, please bear in mind that your results could have been effected. 

Weight and Height Limits

Weight and Height Limits

As we offer testing at over 300 locations, there are different versions of the machines which then have different height and weight limits. If you are concerned that you may be towards the capacity, please reach out to and we can check your particular location. 

The weight limit for most BOD POD tests is 550lbs and a height of 7’. 

The weight limit for a DEXA is generally between 300-350lbs and a height of 6’4. 

There is not a weight or height limit for the RMR test. 

If you are concerned about your ability to complete a VO2 Max test, please review the pre-screening form and discuss with your doctor as needed. 

Testing with A Pacemaker or Implant

Testing with A Pacemaker or Implant

It is safe to do a DEXA scan, BOD POD test, SECA test, Hydrostatic Weighing test and Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) with a pacemaker and/or implant. Please notify the test administrator before the test begins. 

If you have a pacemaker and want to do a VO2 Max test, it would be essential for you to have written permission from your primary care physician. The location could still refuse to administer the test if they feel that the risks are too high.