DEXA Scan in South Corpus Christi, TX (Spohn Drive South)
DEXA Scan in Corpus Christi, TX (Spohn Drive South) is located at 2825 Spohn Drive South, Corpus Christi, TX 78414
Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA/DXA) provides an accurate, in-depth body composition analysis of your fat mass and lean mass. Body fat distribution is segmented by region (arms, legs, android, gynoid). This test can help you get an accurate picture of your body, chart change over time and pinpoint problems in the body before they occur.
See how it works
How It Works
Book your Appointment
We are with you every step of the way, from seamless scheduling to preparing you for test day. There are no hidden costs. We coordinate your test as well as providing your results dashboard and a follow-up call.
Receive Digital Report
Forget the hard to understand paper print out. Fitnescity analyzes your results, delivering you a secure, online dashboard with actionable insights within two business days of your appointment.
What is the DEXA/DXA body composition analysis?
Body composition measurement with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) can look beyond weight and body mass index (BMI) to determine body fat distribution.
The DEXA uses small amounts of radiation to produce a whole picture of the body’s fat mass, non-fat mass and bone mass. In addition, the DEXA provides regional body fat results for the arms, legs, android (waist) and gynoid (hips), and can also do a reading for abdominal, or visceral, fat (depending on the machine). Visceral fat, or VAT, has been linked to metabolic disturbances, increased risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
What are the benefits?
Body composition measurement with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA / DXA) helps individuals, trainers and physicians monitor the effects of diet and exercise in a precise manner.
The DEXA provides precise, accurate and segmental (regional) body fat data.
The DEXA is a great tool for helping to monitor health risks related to body fat distribution and bone density.
What results will I receive?
You will receive an email from Fitnescity within 1 business day with a login for your personal online results dashboard where you will find your results including interpretation and anthropometric data.
Your results will include your total body fat mass, total non-fat mass, bone mass, regional body fat and non-fat mass distribution (trunk, arms, legs and android/gynoid regions) and generalized bone mineral density.
Unless noted otherwise, the results will also include a Visceral Fat/Abdominal Fat (VAT) reading.
Please note that DEXA scans do subject you to small amounts of radiation. A whole body scan produces a level of radiation equivalent to flying by airplane from New York to California.
What is the test protocol?
Wear comfortable clothes, such as gym attire.
Do not wear any items with metal or hard plastic, such as buttons, zippers, jewelry, watches, hair clips, bras with metal clasps or underwires.
Inform the test administrator if you have any metal in your body, such as a pin or replacement joint.
No fasting required, however some consider best practice to be a 4 hour fast prior to the scan.
Please note that DEXA scans do subject you to small amounts of radiation. A whole body scan produces a level of radiation equivalent to flying by airplane from New York to California.
Due to the radiation described above, if you believe you may be pregnant, please refrain from doing the DEXA scan.
What happens during the appointment?
The test administrator will record your height and weight.
The test administrator will record your height and weight, either by asking you directly or measuring on site. Note that DEXA machine will determine actual weight.
The scan will last for about 20 minutes; the appointment for about 45 minutes.
*Please inform us if you are over 300lbs or over 6’3 tall as some DEXA machines have size restrictions.
Fitnescity does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or a qualified medical professional if you have any questions about your results.