Body Fat Percentage Calculator

The Online Body Fat Percentage Calculator can be used to estimate your total body fat percentage based on specific body measurements. The result might not be accurate as the one you would get from an actual body composition test, but it can give you an estimate.

To get the best results, measure to the nearest 1/4 inch (0.5 cm).

Body Fat Calculator

Once you have your body fat percentage, you might ask: What is a healthy, realistic body fat percentage that I should aim for?


We compiled information from some of the world's most reliable sources. The body fat classification below is based on information from Cosmed, the manufacturer of the BOD POD body composition machine. It is also based information from the American College of Sports Medicine, the American Council on Exercise, Essentials of Exercise Physiology (4th Ed) by McArdle, Katch & Katch and various epidemiological studies. It is used by Fitnescity.

This classification applies to individuals 18 and older and is divided in two categories: body fat percentage chart for women and body fat percentage chart for men. 


Body Fat Percentage: The Basics

The body fat percentage (BFP) is the total mass of fat divided by total body mass, times 100. Total body fat includes two types of fat: essential body fat and storage body fat.


Essential body fat

Essential fat is necessary to maintain life and reproductive functions. Women have higher body fat and essential body fat percentages relative to men for any given level of fitness. This difference is attributed to physiological differences, such as hormones, ovulation and childbearing.

The percentage of essential fat is 4–5% in men, and 10–13% in women.

Storage body fat

Storage body fat consists of fat accumulation in adipose tissue. The main role of adipose tissue is to store energy in the form of lipids, although it also cushions and insulates the body, protecting internal organs in the chest and abdomen. While some storage body fat is needed, excess accumulation of fat can be harmful. 


Body Fat Percentage Charts

Your body fat percentage can indicate whether you fall within the "low body fat risk", "ulra lean", "moderately lean", "excess fat" or "high body fat risk" zone.

Body fat percentage ranges for women

Body fat percentage: classification - Women

Under 15%: Low Body Fat Risk.

15%-18%: Ultra Lean. 

18%-22%: Lean. 

22%-30%: Moderately Lean.

30%-40%: Excess Fat.

Above 40%: High Body Fat Risk.

Body fat percentage ranges for men

Body fat percentage: classification - men

Under 5%: Low Body Fat Risk.

5%-8%: Ultra Lean. 

8%-12%: Lean. 

12%-20%: Moderately Lean.

20%-30%: Excess Fat.

Above 30%: High Body Fat Risk.

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