Why Is VO2 Max Important for General Health?

When we talk about VO2 Max, most people will think about the measurement's role in fitness. After all, athletes use it to determine their cardiovascular fitness. However, what many people don’t realize is that the measurement extends beyond physical fitness and can even be used as an indicator of  general health. 

Apart from being an indicator, it’s also something that you can use to improve both physical and mental health, and reap long-term rewards. We’ll look closer at why VO2 Max is important for general health and consider how it can fit into your overall well-being, even if you’re not an athlete. 

Where Does VO2 Max Fit in With Fitness, Sport, and Athletics?

VO2 Max is something that athletes often use, by why is that? In short, it’s a measurement that tells you the maximum amount of oxygen your body uses when you’re busy with high-intensity exercises. Cardiovascular exercises are generally used to determine your VO2 Max. A high VO2 Max means your body can take in and actually use more of the oxygen you breathe in.

This means a higher level of oxygen reaches your muscles. Athletes and sports players would often turn to their VO2 Max to determine their cardiovascular capacity. And increasing the VO2 Max rating can help them perform better on the field.

Some studies describe it as a measurement of cardiopulmonary fitness. That’s because oxygen uptake starts in your lungs. When you breathe in, your lungs need to take oxygen from the air, and then push it into your bloodstream. The next step is for your heart to pump this oxygen-rich blood to different areas of your body. For athletes, this means getting oxygen to the muscles that they’re targeting during an exercise (or when playing a professional game).

The Benefits Of Measuring VO2 Max For General Health

While VO2 Max is really helpful for people who are professional athletes or sports players, it’s important to understand that the average person can also benefit from the measurement.

When you implement VO2 Max as part of your overall health program, it can be incredibly valuable. However, we’re not talking just about knowing what your VO2 Max is as a measurement of health, but also as a way to get healthier.

The first step is to actually understand your baseline VO2 Max. This means opting for a test. When you have your baseline, you can begin learning about strategies to increase your VO2 Max. These strategies will also impact your general health.

Let’s take a closer look at the specific benefits you can expect by increasing your VO2 Max and consistently monitoring this measurement.

Weight Management

You might not necessarily associate your VO2 Max level with weight management, but consider the strategies you’ll need to use to actually increase the level of oxygen your body uses during intense exercise.

Most people will opt for cardiovascular exercises when they want to boost their VO2 Max. This means getting onto the treadmill, going for runs at high-intensity levels, or perhaps using cycling equipment. These are exercises that help you burn calories, which is also the main type of activity you’ll use to manage your weight.

There are studies that show how longer durations of exercise, as well as higher intensity levels, contribute to a loss of body fat. These are the types of exercises you’ll usually depend on when it comes to increasing your VO2 Max. Even in cases where you’re at a healthy weight, aiming to boost your VO2 Max can help you prevent weight gain.

Cardiovascular Health

Something that you’ll often see is people associating VO2 Max with a term known as “Cardiovascular capacity”. But, this measurement goes beyond just your cardiovascular capacity - it can also be an indicator of your overall cardiovascular health.

Aiming to increase your VO2 Max can also be really good for cardiovascular health. Remember that the strategies you’ll be using will also help to make your body more capable of properly using oxygen. You’re going to improve the strength and function of your heart muscle. That makes your cardiovascular system not only healthier, but also means your heart doesn’t need to work as hard to pump blood through your body.

In one study, researchers wanted to get a better idea about the relationship between VO2 Max and the risk of heart disease. They found that those with a higher VO2 Max level tend to have better cholesterol levels, and the prevalence of obesity was also lower in these groups. Those with the lowest VO2 Max had the biggest cardiovascular disease risk factors.

Better Performance

As we’ve mentioned before, VO2 Max is a good indication of cardiovascular capacity. It tells you how much oxygen your lungs get out of the air you breathe in, and how well your body uses this oxygen. Even though it’s an indication of the maximum oxygen you can use during intense training protocols, it’s also something that comes in useful during your day-to-day activities.

When you’re able to boost your VO2 Max, you can expect to experience performance improvements. This doesn’t just include your performance when you run on the treadmill or get onto a bike. You’ll have more stamina and energy to complete other types of exercises, like strength training. And by increasing your muscle mass, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to burn fat faster and have more power.

A higher VO2 Max also means you’re going to get through other activities, including work and your daily chores, with greater ease - and you’re less likely to experience fatigue throughout the day.

Improved Mental Health

VO2 Max is generally associated with physical factors, like your cardiovascular capacity and your athletic performance. However, it’s important to note the mental benefits that come with increasing your VO2 Max as well. What you need to keep in mind here is the complex balance or link that exists between your mental health and your physical fitness.

For example, one research paper shows that exercise is an ideal strategy for reducing the symptoms of both depression and anxiety. Plus, the same paper also explains that exercise helps to improve your mood and self-esteem. These are common mental health illnesses in the general population and increasing VO2 Max relies on exercise - so, you can expect to experience these benefits from your efforts as well.

Apart from these direct effects, you should also understand that your brain relies on oxygen for proper functioning. When you increase your VO2 Max, it means your body can better use oxygen that you get from the air you breathe in, and this could even go as far as to help improve your cognitive function.

All of this creates a cycle; now that you’re able to have a better mood, you’re less likely to experience mental fatigue or brain fog. When you’re depressed, you’re more likely to be sedentary, and you may not have the motivation to exercise. However, when you decide to increase your VO2 Max, and symptoms of depression start to improve, you’ll find more motivation to actually participate in more workout sessions.


VO2 Max is an important indicator that plays a role in more than just your fitness. By analyzing your VO2 Max and implementing strategies to improve it, you give yourself a chance to enhance your general health. This includes better cardiovascular health, improved mental well-being, and even the ability to manage your weight more effectively.





