What is VO2 Max?

Oxygen is one of the most important elements of life. When you exercise, your body uses oxygen to function properly and ensure your performance is optimal. The more oxygen your body can use, the better, as this means you can perform at your best. When measuring just how well your body is using oxygen, VO2 Max is often considered an ideal indicator. In this article, we’ll be exploring what VO2 Max is and why it’s an important metric for measuring your performance.

The Role of Oxygen During Exercise

Your body always relies on oxygen to remain functional. However, when you exercise, the need for oxygen increases a lot, and the two organs that come into effect predominantly include your lungs and your heart.

As you breathe in, your lungs take oxygen from the air and push it into your blood. Your lungs also remove carbon dioxide from your body as you breathe out. Once the oxygen is pushed into your blood, your heart comes into the picture - pumping blood to all the muscles you’re targeting with exercise.

The oxygen helps your muscles perform well and contributes to your workout's recovery process. Apart from overall performance, your muscles also depend on oxygen for contractions.

It’s not just your muscles, however. Every cell in your body needs oxygen to produce energy. This energy becomes essential when you’re exercising. When your cells don’t get enough oxygen, then you may find your performance is poor while you work out. The more oxygen your body can use when you exercise, the better your performance.

This is also where VO2 Max comes into the picture. It measures how well your body uses oxygen at intense levels of exercise. It’s not just a measurement of health but can also become a valuable tool when you want to improve your cardiovascular health and fitness.

What Exactly is VO2 Max?

VO2 Max has gained considerable attention recently. Athletes and even the average person are increasingly using this metric to determine how well they perform during exercise.

What VO2 Max measures is the maximum oxygen you use per minute per kilogram when you participate in intense exercise. Generally speaking, the higher the number, the better your cardiovascular fitness. You’ll most likely be placed on either an exercise bike or a treadmill. Then, a machine will be used to determine how much oxygen you use when you exercise.

VO2 Max can be used to determine cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance.

VO2 Max and General Health

It’s important to keep in mind that VO2 Max isn’t just about fitness and endurance. It can also be used to determine your overall health. While there’s a significant focus on using VO2 Max to improve the performance of athletes, it’s essential to understand that anyone can benefit from this measurement.

Your VO2 Max also gives you more details about how healthy your cardiovascular system is. If you have a low VO2 Max, you might get tired quickly when you start to exercise. Fortunately, with the right strategies, it is possible to improve your VO2 Max rating - and as you do, you’ll notice improvements in your performance and overall health.

What Factors Affect Your VO2 Max?

Now that you have a better idea of VO2 Max and its role in determining fitness, it’s important to note that a couple of things can affect your measurement.

Age is a significant factor that you need to take into consideration. For example, your VO2 Max will generally be much higher in your 20s than when you’re over 70. Gender is another factor, as women typically have a lower VO2 Max rating than men.

While age and gender are things we don’t control, other factors also impact your VO2 Max. A major element is your lifestyle—and more specifically, how much you exercise.

Studies have examined how fitness levels affect VO2 Max. One study wanted to get a better idea of how VO2 Max measures up in sedentary people. The study obtained data from about 1,200 sedentary people. All of these individuals were male and between 18 and 50.

The researchers needed data to compare these results. Thus, they were able to get data from 400 athletes. These athletes participated in different kinds of sports and were all between 18 and 30 years of age.

The average VO2 Max rating for the sedentary group ranged from 34.3 in the youngest participants (18 to 30 years) to 28.1 in those aged between 41 and 50.

In the group of athletes, the average VO2 Max was 54.8.

This data shows that your activity level plays a significant role in your VO2 Max rating. A sedentary lifestyle significantly reduces your VO2 Max, while athletes generally have a much higher rating.

You also have to keep in mind that your body composition can impact VO2 Max and oxygen consumption. Studies have examined this, including one published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (JCDR).

This study wanted to see how BMI, body fat, and lean mass affect VO2 Max measurements. The researchers focused on healthy adults aged between 18 to 25. The VO2 Max was much higher in the male participants than the female ones. However, that wasn’t the focus of the study.

They found that BMI doesn’t have much of an impact on VO2 Max. Instead, body fat percentage seems to play a role. The VO2 Max rating in those with higher body fat percentages was much lower compared to the participants with lower body fat counts.

What Research Says About VO2 Max

There are different ways to get a better idea of your health. Your doctor can perform a physical exam to assess your heart, lungs, and other factors. However, when it comes to truly understanding your health, one important element you can turn to is fitness.

Your fitness says a lot about your health, which is also why VO2 Max is considered an important health indicator.

Studies have been done to provide more insight into why this metric is important. One paper, published in Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark, considered the role that VO2 Max plays in predicting a person’s longevity.

The paper explains that VO2 Max can be used as an indicator for all-cause mortality and that the metric plays a role in predicting mortality due to specific diseases.

Another paper examines the role of using VO2 Max to determine athletes' capacity. The researchers behind the paper explain that it’s a highly effective way to measure athletes' capabilities in different kinds of sports. In this study, volleyball and football players were used as subjects.


VO2 Max helps determine how effectively your body uses oxygen during exercise. While athletes use this measurement to assess performance and determine the effectiveness of their training programs, the general population can and should use VO2 Max to monitor cardiovascular fitness and overall health.




